141 Atkins Street, Middletown, CT 06457 • Phone: 860-346-1270 • Fax: 203-237-9596
Contact us for customer service

Pellet Links & Resources

Pellet Baskets

Wood Pellet Baskets are engineered for existing wood stoves and fireplaces. They allow for a controlled burn of pellets in traditional non-pellet appliances. Always consult your heating appliance manufacturer before adding any device to your heating appliance.

Pellet Stoves and Central Heating Appliances

  • Harman Stove - www.harmanstoves.com
    A leading manufacturer of pellet stoves, boilers, and furnaces with dealers throughout the northeast.
  • Quadra-Fire - www.quadrafire.com
    Another leading manufacturer of pellet stoves
  • TARM USA - www.woodboilers.com
    A leading manufacturer and distributor of wood pellet boilers.
  • Hearth, Patio and Barbeque Association - www.hpba.org
    HPBA represents the hearth industry nationwide. There are many more links on their website.

Wood Pellet Industry

The wood pellet industry is growing rapidly around the globe. Learn more about it by visiting the link(s) below. We hope this list will provide additional information on the renewable energy, hearth, and forest products industries. The appearance of a link does not imply any endorsement by the PFI of the entity or its website.

Delivery in Connecticut ONLY starting at 1 Ton of Pellets.

Depending on your location in Connecticut, we charge between $65 and $85 to deliver the first ton and $20 per additional ton on same delivery. Outside of CT, please call us for delivery price.